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Jumping Castle

I haven't had a chance to look through all the recent posts, they didn't look like much fun so I'll get to it later, in the meantime, who wants to buy a jumping castle? =) Aldi will have it on sale from next Thursday!!!!! =)

Link here.

The adventure set would've been great as well, but my girlfriend instists that I won't fit. :'(

PS Links will only work for the next week.
PPS I wanted something lighter on the site again.
 Comments (4)
Blogger Tim
I saw this yesterday I think - and I actually got excited about it. How cool would it be to own your own jumping castle!

Who says 24 year olds can't act like children?
How about we chip in and play with it at Nathan's house warming? =)

That or I'll see about getting it for a birthday party for one of my little cousins...
Anonymous Anonymous
$250 sounds great for a jumping castle! Anyone know what it costs to rent one of these thing just for a day?

It looks a pretty good size too. If you guys do end up getting it for Nathan's party, please let me know how many of you you guys manage to squeeze in together!
This thread just turned sexy.

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